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Hub & Spoke School Network


Are you representing a school, as a prinicipal, adminstrator,

or teacher who wants your whole school community to become

involved in NYC Men Teach? As a Hub or Spoke school in our

NYC Men Teach School Network, you would contribute your

best practices, provide mentors/ambassadors, and hire

our first-year Anchor teachers.


Hub schools are K-12 DOE public schools which already have a proven track record of success in our three tenets: restorative justice, cultural relevancy, and mastery-based teaching & learning. Spoke schools are K-12 DOE public schools that wish to perfect their implementation of these three practices. Both Hub and Spoke schools would select one or more represetative(s) from your school to contirubute to the creation of Professional Development Sessions and curriculm throughout the school year. By becoming a part of the NYC Men Teach School Network, both Hub and Spoke schools will be able to collaborate and learn from one another. In addition, both Hub and Spoke schools would select potential mentors/ambassadors already teaching at your school, and also consider hiring from our first cohort of Anchor teachers to fit your school's mission and values.


+ Hub School Application

   - Hub School Partnership Description

+ Spoke School Application

   - Spoke School Partnership Description

View NYC Men Teach

School Partnership Information

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